Abdullah Verachia - Business
Abdullah serves as the CEO of The Strategists where
he leads a world class team that play an active role
in assisting companies and organisations craft
competitive future strategies and innovation. He is
also senior faculty at GIBS, head of faculty for
strategy, sustainability and digital and head of the
Harvard Business School Senior Executive Programme
for Africa.
Abdullah Verachia is a highly regarded and sought after global
strategist and advisor known for his expertise in helping companies
navigate complexity, disruption, and change. With significant
expertise in strategy, innovation, and disruption, Abdullah facilitates
numerous high-level strategy sessions and breakaways for
companies and governments and is an authoritative speaker on the
world stage regarding these matters.
He has served in senior executive and board roles, led teams that
have crafted competitive strategies for some of the leading
companies globally, lectured at some of the top business schools,
and co-founded several disruptive companies.