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Mel Miller


Another true veteran of comedy Mel’s history as an entertainer goes way back to the early sixties when, as a member of well known folk singing group Mel, Mel and Julian the entertainment ‘bug’ bit, cementing Mel’s entire future as a sought after entertainer!

In 1970 Mel returned to South Africa (after having spent a few years in Israel), once again entering the folk scene, albeit bringing with him a brand new dimension – comedy!!! Stints on television shows in the vein of Biltong & Potroast soon followed, as did a good 10 years working the Southern Sun circuit and the rest, as they say, became history!

A true legend of South African comedy, Mel started mixing comedy and folk music in 1964. He shot to fame in the country’s first television comedy series, Biltong and Potroast, in 1976 – “It took me 12 years to become an overnight success,” he crows.

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