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Lewis Pugh (UK)




He undertakes over 100 speeches a year to companies and organizations around the world.

Lewis is the only person to have completed a long distance swim in every ocean of the world. To date he has pioneered more swims around famous landmarks than any other swimmer in history.

Each of these seemingly impossible feats was done to raise awareness about the vulnerability of our oceans and their importance to humanity.

And he’s not finished yet.I began swimming in vulnerable ecosystems to draw attention to the impact of our actions on our oceans. I saw enormous chunks of ice slide off Arctic glaciers. I swam over bleached coral killed by rising sea temperatures, and over the bones of whales hunted to the edge of extinction.

I visited lakes high in the Himalayas where once there was only ice. I saw plastic pollution in the most remote parts of the oceans, and garbage piling up so thick on city beaches that you can no longer see the sand.

I’ve witnessed drastic changes in my lifetime – changes that have come about because of our actions. I soon realized that it would require a different kind of action to bring about the changes needed to protect our vulnerable natural resources. And so I began talking – to national and citizen leaders, to policymakers, environmentalists, scientists, and the media.

Soon I was traveling more than I was swimming; people started calling what I do ‘Speedo diplomacy’.

I’ve been privileged to be a part of some positive changes. And to share my stories so that people realize that we all have it within us to make a difference.

I’ve shared my dream of oceans that are abundant with life, full of dolphins and whales, of penguins and sea birds, of turtles and manta rays. I’ve shared my belief that we can restore the health of the oceans; that it’s up to every one of us to protect our future.

Why do I do what I do? I do it because I believe in protecting our fragile planet, in peace and injustice. I do it because it’s right. I do it because our souls need nature. And I do it as much for nature’s sake as for ours.


The dreams, the hardships, and the sheer heart behind Lewis’s expeditions will inspire you to rethink your own ‘impossible’.JACK CANFIELD – CO-AUTHOR | CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL

Lewis’s speeches are riveting and passionate. He’s stunning!


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